Dept of Internal Medicine, AFMC

Quiz Rules

06 Sep 23 : 1200H+

Rules for Prelims : PG Quiz NMUD 2023
Date & Time : 06 Sep 23 :17:30 - 18:30
Venue : Lecture Hall ; Dept of Medicine, AFMC

  • Any number of teams from an individual college can participate in the preliminary round. However, if more than one team from an individual college qualifies based on the score in preliminary rounds, only one team(with higher score) will be allowed to participate in the final round
  • Total : 50 Questions
  • Top 5 teams will qualify for finals
  • One point for each correct answer – no negative marking
  • Questions 3,5,14,19,21,22, 28, 32, 34 & 35 are * marked. They will be utilised for breaking ties
  • Use your billion neurons and not google/AI

07 Sep 23 : 0730 H+

Rules for Finals: PG Quiz NMUD 2023
Date & Time : 07 Sep 23
Venue : Bharadwaj Auditorium, AFMC

  • 5 teams in the finals
  • 4 rounds in total :
    • Trivia
    • Diagnostics
    • Therapeutics
    • Rapid fire
  • Wait for your turn to answer
  • When in doubt, refer to quiz master
  • Quiz masters decision is final